Esplora i Prompt di Immagini di Flux AI

Dai ritratti fotorealistici al surrealismo astratto, Flux AI permette agli utenti di dare vita alle loro visioni.

Flux.1 schnell
warhammer spacemulti armed skeleton legs crossed and arms spread holding a skateboard, football, console controller, dice and a chefs knife. tarot style tattoo ship breaking the vale
Flux.1 schnell
warhammer spacemulti armed skeleton legs crossed and arms spread holding a skateboard, football, console controller, dice and a chefs knife. tarot style tattoo ship breaking the vale
Flux.1 schnell
warhammer space ship breaking the vale
Flux.1 schnell
A minimalist and modern packaging design, with an open square case featuring pink glittery highlights. should be prominent and well-connected to reflect its organic nature and quality. In light of your vision, it would also feature some smaller details or elements that enhance overall visual appeal while maintaining simplicity and elegance in the style of your vision. In the background, there is a soft shadow cast by another object that adds depth to the scene, in the style of minimalist design.delicate, ultra sleek and detailed and realistic, ultra clear,8k
Flux.1 pro
A fleet of Ford Transit vehicles rushing through the city to deliver packages
Flux.1 pro
A futuristic Martian colony with domed habitats, solar panels, greenhouses, and people working and playing under the clear dome.
Flux.1 pro
A black and white hand-drawn sketch of a futuristic Martian colony with domed habitats, solar panels, greenhouses, and people working and playing under the clear dome.
Flux.1 schnell
creame una imagen 16k hyperrealista calidad fotgrafica de una mujer rubia de ojos azules en una playa hermosa esta vestida con ropa tropical
Flux.1 dev
Flux.1 dev
Flux.1 dev
Flux.1 pro
Flux.1 schnell

Cosa Dicono i Nostri Utenti su Flux Image AI

Flux Image AI User

Flux AI ha aperto nuove possibilità creative per me. La qualità delle immagini generate è sorprendente!

Max Holmes

Appassionato d'Arte

Flux Image AI User

Adoro sperimentare con stili diversi usando Flux AI. È un cambiamento radicale per gli artisti digitali.

Mattie Kim

Sognatore Digitale