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Flux AI 이미지 프롬프트 탐색

포토리얼리즘 초상화부터 추상적 초현실주의까지, Flux AI는 사용자들이 그들의 비전을 실현할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

Flux.1 schnell
corfe castle dorset
Flux.1 schnell
corfe castle
Flux.1 schnell
blue Tent at campsite at campsite in strong wind
Flux.1 schnell
Tent at campsite at campsite in strong wind
Flux.1 schnell
Tent at campsite in strong wind
Flux.1 schnell
Imagine a sale stand influenced by a gritty, creepy alien and psychedelic aesthetic, with a sign that reads "Flupiwoopy's." This stand is brimming with jars filled with alien tentacles and fruit-like eyes. Located in the desert beside a road, there's a crashed UFO concealed under a tarp behind the stand. An alien, clad in jean shorts, a band t-shirt, and a cheap wig, is smoking cigarettes and drinking beer while manning the stand. Another sign proclaims, "It's like a plug," all rendered in a gritty comic style.
Flux.1 schnell
Imagine a sale stand influenced by a gritty, creepy alien and psychedelic aesthetic, with a sign that reads "Flupiwoopy's." This stand is brimming with jars filled with alien tentacles and fruit-like eyes. Located in the desert beside a road, there's a crashed UFO concealed under a tarp behind the stand. An alien, clad in jean shorts, a band t-shirt, and a cheap wig, is smoking cigarettes and drinking beer while manning the stand. Another sign proclaims, "It's like a plug," all rendered in a gritty cartoon style.
Flux.1 schnell
Imagine a sale stand influenced by a gritty, creepy alien and psychedelic aesthetic, with a sign that reads "Flupiwoopy's." This stand is brimming with jars filled with alien tentacles and fruit-like eyes. Located in the desert beside a road, there's a crashed UFO concealed under a tarp behind the stand. An alien, clad in jean shorts, a band t-shirt, and a cheap wig, is smoking cigarettes and drinking beer while manning the stand. Another sign proclaims, "It's like a plug," all rendered in a gritty cartoon style.
Flux.1 schnell
a dirty gritty creepy alien psychedelic influenced sale stand with a sign saying : " Flupiwoopy`s" the stand is full of creepy-alien-tentacle,fruits-eye-thing in a jars, the stand is in the desert a side of a street a crashed UFO is behind the stand and is covered with a tarp, a alien wearing jeans short band t-shirt and a cheap wig smoking cigarettes and drinking beer stands in the stand, another signs says: " It is like plug" gritty cartoon style
Flux.1 schnell
a , large gritty carboard box with the writing on iT: "Doktor offise", in the carboard box sit a guy in a dirty doctors coat holding an rusty axe a large sign says: Free surgery of all kind" gritty realistic style
Flux.1 schnell
a , large gritty carboard box with the writing on iT: "Doktor offise", in the carboard box sit a guy in a dirty doctors coat holding an rusty axe a large sign says: Free surgery of all kind" gritty cartoon style
Flux.1 schnell
“Create a vivid, surreal scene where it’s snowing and the temperature is exactly 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Describe the scene in detail, including the appearance of the snowflakes, the colors of the environment, and the overall atmosphere. Incorporate the colors blue and orange prominently. The scene should evoke a sense of wonder and magic.”
Flux.1 schnell
dinosaur riding a unicycle with a moustache in real life
Flux.1 schnell
dinosaur riding a unicycle with a moustache
Flux.1 schnell
sigma male trump face with USA flag in background. trump must be animated
Flux.1 schnell
sigma male trump face with USA flag in background
Flux.1 schnell
sigma male trump face
Flux.1 schnell
alfa face
Flux.1 schnell
alpha face
Flux.1 schnell
alpha face
Flux.1 schnell
sigma face
Flux.1 schnell
create the character of Donald Trump against the background of the US flag. The Trump character's face is supposed to have a "sigma" feature, emphasizing his strong jaw. The face should be in the style of the '🗿' emoticon. Trump is to be dressed in an elegant suit.
Flux.1 schnell
create the character of Donald Trump against the background of the US flag. The Trump character's face is supposed to have a "sigma" feature, emphasizing his strong jaw. The face should be in the style of the '🗿' emoticon. Trump is to be dressed in an elegant suit.
Flux.1 schnell
sigma trump
Flux.1 schnell
a sheep flying a kite whilst jet skiing
Flux.1 schnell
Flux.1 schnell
Flux.1 schnell
Flux.1 schnell
House Designs
Flux.1 schnell
ghost on a roller coaster drinking wine
Flux.1 schnell
cat riding an alpaca on snow
Flux.1 schnell
Shoto Todoroki dall'anime my hero accademia
Flux.1 schnell
Shoto Todoroki da my hero accademia
Flux.1 schnell
Shoto Todoroki di my hero accademia
Flux.1 schnell
Shoto Todoroki di my hero accademia
Flux.1 schnell
ragazza di quindici anni con metà capelli bianchi e l'altra metà rossi che abbia la eterocromia che porta l'occhio destro color azzurro, mentre quello sinistro coloro grigio in versione anime
Flux.1 schnell
david beckham in space
Flux.1 schnell
ragazza di quindici anni con metà capelli bianchi e l'altra metà rossi che abbia la eterocromia che porta l'occhio destro color azzurro, mentre quello sinistro coloro grigio versione anime
Flux.1 schnell
ragazza di quindici anni con metà capelli bianchi e l'altra metà rossi occhio sx grigio occhio dx azzurro versione anime
Flux.1 schnell
ragazza di quindici anni con metà capelli bianchi e l'altra metà rossi versione anime
Flux.1 schnell
ragazza di quindici anni con metà capelli bianchi e l'altra metà rossi con l'occhio sinistro grigio e quello destro azzurro versione anime
Flux.1 schnell
zeichne donald trump der kotzt
Flux.1 schnell
zeichne ein kind mit einer handgranate in einem blutverschmiertem raum
Flux.1 schnell
aus angela merkels rücken bricht ein krokodil aus und es ist alles voller blut
Flux.1 schnell
eine gottesanbeterin die gegen godzilla kämpft
Flux.1 schnell
Een naakte vrouw aan het strand
Flux.1 schnell
donald trump holt sich einen runter
Flux.1 schnell
angela merkel am kiffen mit donald trump

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Max Holmes

예술 애호가

Flux Image AI User

Flux AI를 사용하여 다양한 스타일을 실험하는 것을 좋아합니다. 디지털 아티스트에게는 게임 체인저입니다.

Mattie Kim

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